General Details

This article will guide you through the General details section. Login to your account at Click on your name or the cog icon on the top right of the page. Click on "Account settings" in the popup menu.

Business name and Business address

Set the Name and address of your business 

E-mail address

The e-mail address is your user name. Be sure you have access to the mailbox of the e-mail address provided in your account settings. If you change the e-mail address of your account you will need to confirm this by clicking a link sent to that e-mail address.


Artwin Live is currently fully available in English and in Dutch.


You may change your password. A password must at least be 8 characters long and must contain at least one capital, number or symbol. Please provide your new password in both fields

Set an account picture

You can upload a picture to display on your Artwin Live account.

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